Hawaiian pidgin 101
Hawaiian pidgin 101

hawaiian pidgin 101

Moki’s Law: The chance of you dividing a manapua evenly in half depends upon how much you want to share it. This is too god not to sheah……jus try make yo mind read ’em in Pidgin….

  • Lickins’ – Discipline – usually from your faddah.
  • You goin’ get slaps – Usually follows “No act”.
  • Try come, Try wait, Try help – Asking for your cooperation.
  • Wassup Wit Dat? – What’s up with that? or Bruddah Lance’s blog.
  • hawaiian pidgin 101

    Shaka – I don’t know where this word was derived from.Buggah – usually referring to someone or something.Bumbye – means later on okay (wea you heard dat befoah?).Let’s see how many pidgin word, phrases, or sentences we can come up with. It took me a little while to grasp what the person was saying. For example, ever heard a sentence ending with the word “was”? Like: “ Da finga-nail clippah? – ova by da TV was“. It’s pidgin! It’s based on the Portuguese word abóbora which means Japanese squash.Īnd I also found that it’s not only the words that makes up Pidgin English, but it’s also the structure. But I found out that it’s a Japanese word meaning “Pumpkin”. We used it as a slang to refer to Japanese tourist. There are some words that I use that I didn’t even know was pidgin. And everyone could communicate with each other fine and dandy provided they lived in the same camp.īut it’s when they tried to talk to another person from a different camp that didn’t speak their native language, that they had to come up with a neutral or common language that they could both understand. For example, there was the Portuguese camp, the Japanese camp, the Filipino camp, etc.

    hawaiian pidgin 101

    And because of that, they lived in “camps” based on ethnicity. They only spoke their native language from where they immigrated from. My theory is that back in the days of the plantations, when our grandparents or great-grandparents came to Hawaii to work in the plantations, they didn’t speak English. It wasn’t until quite recently that I came to my own conclusion of how or why Pidgin English came about. Speaking pidgin was something we all learned from small-kid-time, albeit unconsciously. In my previous post, cmo suggested maybe a pidgin post.

    Hawaiian pidgin 101